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Error 404: Human Face Not Found | Robin Aisha Pocornie | TEDxAmsterdam

Meet Robin, who went from ordinary Computer Science student to a trailblazer who turned AI bias into ...View More

Growing back Ice, in the Arctic? | Fonger Ypma | TEDxAmsterdam

NOTE FROM TED: TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx or ...View More

Sustainable Healthcare is Accessible Healthcare | Thom Weustink | TEDxAmsterdam

Challenging the status quo in healthcare accessibility and strive to make a positive impact. Thom We ...View More

How Technology is Changing the Way you Experience Art | Friendred Peng | TEDxAmsterdam

In the transformative realm of interactive art, our bodies serve as canvases for technology-enhanced ...View More

The Reality of Living the Fantasy | Venus Bijleveld | TEDxAmsterdam

Venus Bijleveld, a drag artist professionally known as Ma'MaQueen, will share their journey of creat ...View More

The Value of Human Waste | Zsofia Kollar | TEDxAmsterdam

Through scientific advancements, developing technologies to transform the strongest protein found in ...View More

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